Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Stretchy Pearl Bracelet

I am so excited to share this really simple jewelry project.  It may take a bit of practice once or twice but I'm certain you can get it just as cute.  There are a ton of options for pearl colors to choose from.  
This is a very good idea for gift giving this holiday season.  I love this for a simple Mommy/child project as well.  

Items Needed For This Project:

  • Pearls:  I bought a strand in the jewelry section at Michaels.  I like the larger size but any size will work.  Other stores to look for pearls:  Hobby Lobby, Joann, WalMart, Hancock Fabric, or your local jewelry supply store. Quantity depends on your wrist size as well as number of bracelets you intend to make.  
  • Ribbon:  My favorite store for ribbon is Hobby Lobby because they are usually 50% off and have such a HUGE selection.  But if you don't have a Hobby Lobby near you try: Wal Mart, Michaels, Joann or Hancock Fabric.  Size depends on peal size.  You want to keep ribbon about the same width as the pearls. 
  • Stretchy Cord:  I used the .5mm size found in the jewelry section at Michaels.  Try same stores listed above for alternative shopping options.
  • Needle:  I used a collapsable needle found in the jewelry supply section at Michaels.  It allows you to thread the stretchy cord through the eye of the needle and still squeeze through the bead.  They came with 3 in a package.
  • Misc:  scissors, ruler, lighter.

I would love to hear from you and see pictures of your favorite pearl/ribbon color combination!
Post your pictures on the showmecute Facebook page.  There is a link at the top of this page!


  1. I am really excited to try this out! Thanks for the informative video.

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