Thursday, February 21, 2013

Pink Lemonade Body Scrub

Last year I did a video/post on a body scrub.  This week I was asked to do a segment on one of my local TV morning shows "BetterKC".  So while preparing for the segment I found a couple of new recipes I wanted to share.  Here are two new body scrub ideas!

Items Needed For This Project:

  • Sugar
  • Sunflower Oil
  • Frangrance
  • Jar:   I purchased mine at Hobby Lobby.  You can also find jars at Michaels, Target, WalMart, Joann, and even Grocery Stores! 
  • Misc: labels & ribbon

Pink Lemonade Body Scrub
2 cups white sugar
2/3 cup sunflower oil
2 tsp. lemon juice or fragrance

Vanilla & Sugar Body Scrub
1 cup sugar in the raw
1 cup white sugar
2/3 cup sunflower oil
2 tsp vanilla or vanilla fragrance

I ended up trying the fragrances on mine.  I really liked using them but they were not very cheap.  $2.99 for about 4 tsp.  So if you are looking for cheap... use what is in your cupboard or use your weekly coupon for sure! Fragrance found at Hobby stores.

Next post/video I will show you how to use this scrub in a spa gift basket! Stay tuned!


  1. Could you substitute sunflower oil with jojoba oil?

  2. This is good for christmas present for all of my girl friends. Maybe I will start doing this body scrub before it's too late.

  3. Pink Lemonade Body Scrub. 2 cups white sugar. 2/3 cup sunflower oil. 2 tsp. lemon juice or fragrance. Vanilla & Sugar Body Scrub. 1 cup sugar ...
