Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Chocolate Dipped Strawberries w/ Football Design

Hello friends.  I saw this idea online and decided to share.  It is in fact Football Season Wahoo!  I heart football season.  Often I have football watch parties.  This is a perfect treat for such a party.

Disclaimer: My teams are not doing very well so far this year.  These are not a "win" guarantee.  Could perhaps make losing more enjoyable.  ( probably not )

Items needed for this project:
  • Whole Fresh Strawberries
  • Dipping Chocolate:  milk chocolate and white chocolate ( can be found at Hobby Lobby, Michaels, Joann, or WalMart )
  • Wax paper ( aluminum foil works as well )
  • Decorating Bag or sturdy ziploc baggie ( can be found at stores listed above )

Before you start!  If you have never melted chocolate before.... be very careful not to over cook your chocolate.  It will start to get lumpy and gritty.  You may want to start out with 15-30 second incriments in your microwave until you figure out how your microwave works as each are a bit different.  Your chocolate should take about 1 minute to 1 1/2 minutes to get the nice smoothe texture you desire. Theres is always the stove top method.  Directions on back of chocolate bag or google instructions.

Practice Practice!  This will just take a little practice for the fine lines.  Go to my facebook page and post pictures of your finished projects!

Happy Football Season!

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