Sunday, July 29, 2012

One Direction Painted Shoes | ShowMeCute | DIY

TONS of you asked for a One Direction inspired project and it's finally here!  A few weeks ago in one of my videos I asked if there was anything my viewers would like to see.  I got many replies and I have everyone's requests on a list for continued consideration.  However, there are tons of One Direction fans out there (including my own daughters)!

I tried to make this project as simple as possible for those of you who would be a beginning painter.  I hope that you are able to dive in and make your own!

Items Needed For This Project:

  • Shoes:  I used TOMS in this video which are about $45.  I wanted to tell you about alternative shoes sold as well.  RUE 21 has a knock off Tom that sells for $16 and this past weekend had them on sale for buy one get one for $1!  Steal!  Sketchers makes a knock off called Bobs.  You can look online for a list of stores who carry them.  
  • Craft Paint:  I use the kind you buy at your local craft stores.  Any brand will work and they run about a dollar.  Some are under a dollar some a bit more.  I used red white and blue in this project.
  • Ultra Fine Glitter:  Optional but I love the look it gave my shoes.  There are several brands you can buy.  I used red.  Can find at craft stores.
  • Paint brushes.  
  • OPTIONAL:  when I paint canvas shoes I always finish them off with a water proofing spray.  I find it where they sell shoes/laces/polish, etc.

These are so stinking cute!  I also wanted to provide the information as well as some more pictures of shoes my niece has painted with Zebra Studios.  Go check out her store and share it with your friends!

Thank you everyone for your continued support of Showmecute.  I love hearing from you.  You are such wonderful fans!  Have a good week!


  1. Could you do this on the glitter Toms. I have a pair that I would paint on because all my other Toms I want to keep just plain. What do you think? Could it work?

  2. You forgot about Niall Horan who is from Ireland!

    1. actually none of them originated from london...

  3. Love these! What kind of paint do you use on shoes?

  4. Thanks for sharing this idea, I really need this when I buy a secondhand shoes on this website so that I can customized my own trip. You may also visit their website if you are looking for a good quality secondhand shoes.

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