Monday, November 5, 2012

Crocheted Bracelet

I think if I could wear a small bit of lace everyday, my life is complete.  Ha, not really....but it sure brings a smile.  I'm totally digging the layering of bracelets and watches this year and this idea fits right into my latest obsession.  

Items Needed For This Project:

  • Crochet trim:  I found spools at Hobby Lobby.  I always buy when they are half price (which is about every other week) They will carry this same type trim at Michaels, Joann, WalMart, etc..
  • Ribbon Clamps:  This is the end piece on your bracelet. Can be found in the jewelry supply isle at hobby stores.  I got mine at Michaels.  You can look at Joann, Hobby Lobby, or WalMart as well. 
  • Clasp:  You can pick what ever style you prefer.  I used two different types in the video. These can be found in the jewelry section of the same stores I have listed above.
  • "O" rings/ Jump Rings:  This is the "O" shaped ring that I use to connect the bracelet to the clasp.  Can be found in the jewelry section of the same stores listed above.
  • Flame/Matches/Lighter
  • Scissors
  • Needle Nose Pliers/ Jewelry Tools: If you don't have these already they can be found in your hobby store.

I prefer to wear mine plain as I am adding other bracelets to the look.  But have fun with this and use your imagination adding to your look!  This a very cheap and easy idea for gift giving this holiday season or birthdays!

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