Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Spa Gift Basket

Last week I made Pink Lemonade Body Scrub.  I really wanted to keep going with it and show you how to put together a great spa gift basket.  I made two different scrubs: pink lemonade and vanilla sugar.  (Recipes are in previous post on the scrub post) 
I'll post pictures of both baskets.  They are mainly the same just a few different ingredients to give a different theme i.e.... tissue, chocolate, ribbon.  Approximate cost of this basket $30.

Items Needed For This Project:

  • Basket: I actually found these cool closet organizer bins at Target for $6.99.  They came in several colors and sizes.  Use your imagination!  
  • Tissue: I got my tissue at Hobby Lobby.  I really like their selection and they usually have coordinating ribbons!  Lots of stores carry tissue!
  • Ribbon: I used ribbon on my body scrub and to tie the bag of chocolate.  
  • Loofa or Sponge:  WalMart had super cheap options.  I bet your local dollar store would carry them as well.  
  • Chocolate:  I wanted to match my basket so I chose Ghirardelli Dark Chocolate & Raspberry squares.  Can't go wrong with chocolate ladies!
  • Candle:  Every relaxing bath needs a yummy smelling mood candle.  I really love the Glade candle you get at the grocery store.  They are just $2.50 at WalMart or Target. 
  • Paper Shred:  Look in the gift wrap section at stores.  
  • Bling:  I used a cute frilly pick to kick it up a notch.  Look in the floral dept of Michaels, Hobby Lobby, Joann, WalMart or even Target.  Use your imaginations:  feathers, flowers, etc...
  • Stuffing:  You need something to go in the bottom of your basket to keep items on top.  I use old grocery bags. Watch video for explanation.  

I can't stress enough the following:
  1. Give your basket a theme!  Your theme can be a color or a thing.  But stick to it!  Make everything match.  It doesn't have to all be one color but don't use too many colors as the eye won't have a place to rest.  
  2. Matching:  If the items in your basket have funky packaging take it out and repackage!  You can see in my basket I took off all the packaging on the loofa, candle and chocolate.  I re-packaged the chocolate in a clear cellophane bag with matching ribbon. 

Moms:  this is great practice for Easter baskets!


  1. Thanks so much for sharing! I decided I was going to give cute gift baskets in Romania rather than try to guess an object to give my teachers at the end of the semester because they will use it more. Econnect-usa

  2. I really like your idea to give your basket a theme. I have been trying to decide a birthday gift for one of my friends and I think she would love a spa gift basket. I haven't ever put together a gift basket and your ideas are so helpful. I love your suggestion of adding chocolate to the basket. http://www.maamsmegamall.com

  3. My wife and I actually received one of these and it was so amazing! I've never been to a spa and after my job I really need to relax. I think this is going to help my back and my stress levels so much. http://www.onlinegiftproducts.com
