Saturday, December 3, 2011

Chocolate Covered Marshmallow Pops

Oh my goodness these are so yummy! I have to admit I decided to make these on pure "cute" looking factor alone. Much to my amazement... they are as yummy as they are cute.

Confession #2- I am not a huge chocolate fan. Don't get me wrong, I like chocolate alot, I'm just not a chocoholic! I usually like tart or creamy desserts. Favorites include Lemon Bars, Cream Cheese things, Cupcakes, etc.
These taste totally different once the chocolate has hardened into the candy state rather than a fondue consistancy. I think that is what I like. The other thing I love about these is the range of usage! One could really get creative there.

Items needed for this project:
  • Marshmallows: either Large or Jumbo
  • Chocolate Candy Melts:  I prefer the Wilton brand.  Hobby Lobby carries another brand and I don't like the taste as well.  DON"T ever use the almond bard or baking crap you get at the grocery store.  Gag!  You might as well eat wax.  ( I hope I am not too harsh about that. :) )  You can find the wilton brand online, Michaels, WalMart, and Joann.
  • Optional- If you want pops you will need candy sticks or something to use as a stick.  I used a cute striped straw.
  • Marshmallow TreatsMarshmallow TreatsMarshmallow Treats

This is so easy and fun.  I'm pretty sure Chocolate makes everything taste better! Share with me your favorite chocolate dipping ideas here at Facebook (Show Me Cute).

Merry Christmas!


  1. This is great!!! I'm gonna try these with my daughter. Great gift idea for the teachers & friends! Thanks, Happy Holidays! :D

  2. That seems so Yummy and cutee !! :D
    i'll try it soon , I love you'r videos
    Umm .. Can You Do Something For The Christmas Tree Plez?? :] It will be fun

    Big Fan ,
    Lian Ghattas ,

  3. I tried these! They came out really, really, cute! (And good! I also used the Wilton melting chocolate.) Late Sunday evening, I decided I would attempt these. I must admit that I was leary attempting these pops, since it was a Sunday night, but to my surprise and my family's they came out!! Thanks for posting this "how to"! It was fun and now I have a cute & good anyone/anytime gift for my friennds and acquaintances. Happy Holidays! :D

  4. that sounds wounderful can you please start emailing i would like to know more about you

  5. I TRIED THESE!! They came out great! Wonderful idea for teachers & coworkers! Thanks for the post.
